Monday, July 29, 2013

Seedbox at home! DIY home made seedbox!

I run my own seedbox in house. I don't feel like overpaying for a server is necessary when I have (maybe low speed) internet at home already.

I pay out of the ass for really slow internet, so why should I pay for someone's internet too?

This is what I run:

  • 256MB DDR RAM
  • 2.60GHz Single Core Processor
  • Random Old Motherbard w/ Sata
  • 160GB Main Sata Disk
  • 80GB Extra IDE Disk
  • 2TB External USB Storage
  • DVD Drive (random)
Now that isn't shit if you plan on running Windows. But we arent :). So now that you went around your house and found some old stuff to throw together, well throw it together now...

I run these services all on the specification you read above
  • rtorrent
  • rutorrent
  • Samba Server (Attached to 5 other PCs)
  • CUPS Print Server (Attached to 5 other PCs)
  • SABnzbd+
  • FTP Server (Networked to Wii)
Now you might not know what SABnzbd+ is, well it is a UseNet downloader. Now I know what you are thinking, UseNet is dumb and not free why should I use it. Well my ISP gives out UseNet accounts luckily, so I just use their servers, which is really idiotic on my end since they monitor the servers, but I am stupid already so fuck it.

Imagine all that on 256MB RAM?! It runs SMOOTH. Not one bit of lag. See today's world makes you think you need the best of the best to do things on computers, you don't. Shoot with 1GB of RAM I could be running a whole computer with all this stuff, AND a Minecraft server!

Try it out on your stuff! I run Debain Squeeze (6.0.7)!


1 comment:

  1. i have a few questions about diy seedboxes...and sorry in advance for what will probably be dumb questions but I'm not very tech-savy on the IT-networking side of things. A seedbox is only as fast as the network its on, and you said you're paying out the ass for really slow Internet. So, if your speeds aren't going to be better than you'd get on your regular pc, whats the point? for five dollars a month a have a 10 Gbps network. you mentioned in your post that you weren't that concerned about your isp monitoring your use. and that’s fine if you aren't hosting a lot of pirated content, and yeah you can use vpn to hide some of that activity, but theres a reason so many torrent sites are run on dutch servers. But I have many interests in diy servers and seedboxes and some are 100% legit. would you be willing to give me some pointers?
