Monday, July 29, 2013

Free Seedbox! Not joking! 20GB of bandwidth MONTHLY!!!

Check this out! Today you can have your very own seedbox! FOR FREE?!

Yeah. Not a problem with the friendly folks at JustSeed.IT!

They hand out 20GB boxes for people to try out and see if they would purchase the product!

Head over here today!

Just sign up and wait for the email! It's as simple as that!


Seedbox at home! DIY home made seedbox!

I run my own seedbox in house. I don't feel like overpaying for a server is necessary when I have (maybe low speed) internet at home already.

I pay out of the ass for really slow internet, so why should I pay for someone's internet too?

This is what I run:

  • 256MB DDR RAM
  • 2.60GHz Single Core Processor
  • Random Old Motherbard w/ Sata
  • 160GB Main Sata Disk
  • 80GB Extra IDE Disk
  • 2TB External USB Storage
  • DVD Drive (random)
Now that isn't shit if you plan on running Windows. But we arent :). So now that you went around your house and found some old stuff to throw together, well throw it together now...

I run these services all on the specification you read above

Friday, July 26, 2013

How to use RSS in ruTorrent without irssi!

I don't like autodl-irssi. A lot of people do, I don't. So I needed a way to make my ruTorrent automatically start my shows and movies.

See, ruTorrent already HAD a RSS plugin BEFORE autodl-irssi, but a lot of people just like the new one. Again. I don't, quite frankly I hate it, it's just too complicated.

But the old plugin uses RegEx filters in order to grab your shows, when I first saw them I found it really really annoying and complicated, but once you understand it, it's not.

First things first you need an RSS feed, you can get these from your private trackers servers, usually there's a huge button that says RSS.

Here is how to use it

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Filedrop for ruTorrent + install

Ever hate having to go to the top bar in rutorrent to find your files and then upload them?

There's a plugin for you then!

Filedrop, this is a plugin that supports Chrome and Firefox, it allows you to "drag and drop" a .torrent file from anywhere on your computer. Even from the bottom bar in chrome and download manager in Firefox. Which makes is very convenient to just hit the download button on your favorite trackers!

To install this make sure you have rtorrent and rutorrent fully installed!

Here we go!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Awesome automatic DIY Seedbox Script from base install!

Recently I installed my own rtorrent build on my home server, I run Debain 6.0.7 (aka squeeze). I do this a lot, I like to play with Debian a lot.

I found a cool script called Seedbox From Scratch, it installs basically everything that someone who is an avid... file downloader would need.

Basically here is a break down of what this does and how to use it.